Monday, June 22, 2009

Farmer's Market Skillet

When in doubt, throw it all in one pan and hope for the best...

So, I have caught on to this whole CSA thing a little late, and was not able to join the one down the street from me for this year. I've been kinda bummed about it, so I have been trying to be diligent about going to our neighborhood Farmer's market every week and stocking up.

This week I scored some apples, maple syrup, rainbow chard, a parsley plant, fingerling potatoes, and garlic scapes. The scapes were free because I told the nice man at the potato stand I was curious about them and he gave me a few to try.

I had planned to cook all these veggies this weekend, but things got kind of crazy and we ended up going out for every meal. The chard was looking a little sad today, so after trying to think of different ways to use each veggie, I decided to cook them all together.

I chopped the scapes and sauted them with some olive oil, then tossed the fingerlings in and cooked them for about 20 mins until they were crispy and tender. I then turned off the heat, threw in the chard and put the lid on the pan so it would wilt. With some salt and pepper, it wasn't half bad!

I've been thinking a lot about how much food we waste, even when we are trying not to. I am going to try to start throwing any veggies that are about to go bad and odds and ends from cooking into the freezer to use at some point for broth, hopefully it will yield yummy results...

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