Saturday, October 10, 2009

Vegan MoFo Day 8: Birthday Goodness

I know, again, not a recipe. Ashley's gonna kill me. Ugh. I need to get it together- and I will, tomorrow, when I make blackberry ginger ice cream with my new ice cream maker!!!!!!!!!!!! But today, the vegan food marathon weekend continues, with delicious vegan french toast at brunch, and some serious vegetarian dim sum in a few hours.

Besides the ice cream maker, which is gift enough in itself, my wonderful bf also got me a new camera!!! The blog is saved from horrible, orange tinted blurry pictures! Phil saves the day! I tested it out on some of the goodness we got at the farmer's market this morning. Mom, you will notice one of my new bowls is featured.

Yes, I bought myself a pumpkin. I probably won't even cook with it, it's so cute and perfect...

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are just beautiful I love all the colors of autumn...especially love pears and pumpkins! Looking forward to more recipes!
